ME!!!! of late I've been feeling a bit that is not a typo. That word describes exactly how I feel...mostly about my physical appearance. I have a sneakin' suspicion it has something to do with the fact that I just had a baby and have since realized my body will never be the same again. And let's face it....that's a little bit depressing. I didn't even LOVE my body before the babe, but I'd take it back now in a long as Bails gets to stay. And since I don't see that happening in the too near future, I need to do something to make me feel
I know you're all thinking, "hey Janna, just get off your lazy butt and workout and then you'll look hot again." Well guess what? I DID!! but then I got sick and it stopped for a couple days...or a week...or two. But don't you worry, I fully plan on starting it up again on Monday. I just needed a quick fix. My body will be back in tip top shape very soon because we have big plans for September involving water, a beach, and a bikini. So are you all ready for this?? My mom and dad are gonna hate me, but sorry!!! You're not exactly the one I'm trying to feel
and this is what he came home to
BAM!! How do ya like me now?!? Pretty sweet eh? I love it. I've been dark plenty of times before. I was for our wedding, and I stare at that picture everyday in my living room....longing for my darker days. Stephen LOVES!!!! me brunette, so I thought this would be a great way to dive out of my frumph, at least for the time being, and please the husband at the same time. And I think I can say I accomplished both.
I was actually a little hesitant as to how Bails would react, if he would still recognize me or scream in disgust. But he handled it pretty well.
It took him a second...
But then I believe his exact words were, "You're SMOKIN' mom!" Ah...thanks Bails.
A little shell shocked
I took this picture a couple weeks ago. I can't believe I forgot to put in on the blog. SO CUTE!
So there you have it, the new unfrumphified me!!!
On a side note, today Balian is 4 months!!! CRAZY!! He has his shots tomorrow. Totally forgot about it until the Health Clinic lady called me this morning. NOT looking forward to that. I'll come back and post all his numbers once I find out tomorrow.
So Balian at four months was 14.5 lbs - 40th percentile
He was 24.5 inches - 50th percentile
His head was in the 25th percentile.
So he's fairly average except for his cute little head. He did so good with his shots and has been awake for one out of the last 6 hours. Poor little guy. So tuckered out.