Monday, September 13, 2010

Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired

Two posts in one day.  Lucky you.  I'm actually just extremely bored and am taking it out on our blog.  But the truth is Stephen and I have both been really sick lately, and I wanted to record some of it.....mostly for I remember how this pregnancy was for me. 

Stephen's immune system...or lack off the charts.  I don't know what his deal is, but this year alone he has had strep throat five times, bronchitis three times, and he's just getting over a cold.  It's annoying...for me and him.  He's more than frustrated.  He's had blood tests and everything, and apparently he's as healthy as an ox though.  I beg to differ.  I guess this is what we get to deal with since he takes the train everyday though.  So annoying.  The good news is he's finally getting over it, and hopefully it all stays away for the next little while.  The odd thing is I haven't caught any of it...EVER!  I haven't been sick at all.  Well...not that kind of sick.  I have my own issues.

I FAINT.   I know...weird, and scary.  The first time happened while I was working about three weeks ago.  I was screaming for stephen to come resuce me, but he couldn't hear me because I was yelling from my office.  He finally heard me and came barrelling into the room asking what was wrong.  I was in tears, white as a ghost.  He rushed to get me some water and put the fan directly on me.  Meanwhile I'm trying to finish my show.  I'm sure the hard of hearing watching the news in Toronto that night were a little frustrated.   The second time I was fabric shopping with Julie and probably scared her half to death.  I had her get me some Arby's and an orange julius.  haha  She's so awesome.   Thank goodness she was there.  I wasn't so fortunate the third time.  I was at Wal-mart.  I was at the back of the store developing photos.  Great.  I somehow stumbled my way to the front of the store to the Tim Hortons and plopped myself down on a chair, thinking I just needed to sit and regroup.  I recovered enough to get up and stand in line for something to eat.  That didn't last long though.  The stars started appearing and I started sweating, and I knew the blackout was near.  Somehow I got outside and onto the curb.  The fresh air helped a little bit, but there was no way I could drive  home.  I can just imagine how I looked.  Pregnant lady half passed out sitting on the sidewalk out front of the wal-mart.  Classy.  Good thing my sister just moved to town though.  She came to my rescue.  The last time happened while I was out shopping with Stephen.  I was actually sitting down getting my makeup done and Sephora, and lo and behold the stars appeared.  My eyes started rolling and Stephen knew it was happening again.  He rushed to get me a Cinnabon and some juice. 

Good heavens!!  What is my deal.  So i figured after four times this probably wasn't normal.  I'm really stubborn when it comes to going to the doctor, unlike Stephen who LOVES the doctor.  It's weird.  But I figured something isn't right, and I started to get worried about the baby too, so I sucked it up and went.  Turns out I have issues.  The baby is literally sucking the life right out of me.  He's taking all my blood, all my iron and all my salt.  My blood pressure was 80/50.  NOT good.  It's supposed to be 110/50.  So I'm supposed to drink 4L a day.  HA!!  Are you kidding me??  I'm not a big drinker.  I'm working on it.  My iron is also supposed to be 50 and I'm at a 9.  That number kinda scared me.  So I got an iron supplement too.  So....I haven't fainted again yet, but I still feel weak and tired all the time and am scared to go anywhere alone, so I'm usually just cooped up here at home.  So if anyone wants to come visit you're more than welcome!!!

Other than that pregnancy hasn't been too bad for me.  I feel ginormous.  Like....really really big.  Big to the point where Stephen just stares at me in aw sometimes and wonders how I can possibly get any bigger.  And I still have 3.5 months to go!!!  Geesh.  It feels like i've been pregnant for a year already.  My back is in ridiculous pain, and I had to stop doing shifts longer than two hours for work because it was just too much for my body to handle. 

Mostly we just can't wait to have little McKee HERE finally.  I got the nursery all set up with the crib bedding and everything, and my next post will include pictures of everything, but I want to decorate it a little bit more first.  So that's how we've been feeling lately.  Hopefully we're both on the mends!!  :)

haha  this is how i feel some days.


Oh sweet sleep.  Stephen and I were laying in bed last night and he suggested I do a blog post on our sleeping patterns.   Haha, kinda a funny suggestion, but I find our sleeping regiment a bit unusual compared to most.....and I love when my husband suggests blog posts and shows interest in our blog, so I wanted to appease him. 

Most people probably don't think twice about getting to go to bed at the same time as their spouse.......but for me I consider this a rare event and a treat.  Stephen is usually in bed by 10pm everynight, but because of my work schedule I'm never in bed until midnight or 1am.  CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY!!  I was spoiled for about three weeks when I first started this job and I was done work everyday by 7:30 like a normal person.....but alas, it wasn't meant to be for us, and I had to revert back to my late nights and never getting my bedtime cuddles....oooooooo so cheesey Janna............but I don't care.  I cherish my cuddles.

Anyway....there are still a few things that have to happen in order for both of us to fall asleep.  Just a warning....there's a little bit of blog PDA about to happen here......just deal with it...or skip over this post to my next one.  Don't say I didn't warn ya.  Stephen and I both pull a complete 360 when we're falling asleep.  Stephen referes to it as the Three Phases.  We begin in the spoooooooooon position (Phase 1).  My personal fave.  Oh so comfortable.  I then turn onto my back and stephen switches to his other side (Phase 2).  I then turn to my other side and Stephen does this awkward half side half stomach thing (Phase 3).  I've since adopted this position since I've become pregnant and there's this weird bulge sticking out of my belly.  We both then complete our 360 and fall soundly asleep on our sides......until I get up to go to the bathroom at 3 in the morning.  Then it pretty much starts all over again. 

I'm sure by now you're asking yourself where the PDA was in all that.....or you're thinking you escaped unscathed of my mooshiness.......NOPE!  Here it is.  There are only two kisses that really matter to me...a kiss when stephen leaves for work in the morning, and a kiss goodnight.  All the other kisses take a backseat as far as I'm concerned.  I have my reasons, but I'll spare you the details.  Anyways...Stephen wasn't always a believer of this philosophy but I've since converted him.  When I drag my aching body into bed at 1 in the morning the first thing I do is give Stephen a kiss on the shoulder.....or the arm....or the ear....or the back.  It's dark, and I can't see.  So it's basically whatever body part my lips flop onto.   I basically did this for my own peace of mind, but then I missed a couple of nights and Stephen started to notice I wasn't giving him a kiss goodnight anymore.  awwwww he really does care.  So now if I forget I get a little nudge as a reminder.  Neither of us can sleep without our kiss goodnight, and I like it that way. 

We also can't fall asleep unless some part of our body is touching the other.  It's usually a foot or a finger.  It's really weird, but it's a comfort thing for both of us.  We're soul mates, what can I say.  Anyway....I'm sure you all are glad you just wasted 10 minutes of your day reading about our sleeping habits, but the truth is, I don't care about you.  I think it will be fun to make this blog into a book eventually and have our kids read it and see how lame their parents were back in the day.  We're so mooshy gooshy in love, even while we're sleeping, and I wouldn't have it any other way.  :)